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International Pageant

August 1st and 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Arkansas International®

Ali Jones - Top 5

1.What is 1 beauty product you cannot live without?
I’ve always been drawn to people who have a warm smile. It’s a very inviting feeling and you can break down a lot of walls with something as simple as a smile!

2.If you had to do over anything what would it be?
Since the age of 11, foster children have continually made an impact on my life. I want to be a voice of change until I see change in the lives of foster youth. I plan on getting my Dental Hygiene degree and definitely adding another dog to my family!

3.Who would you love to meet and why?
There are so many incredible people who have helped me get to the place I am today, I would want to return all of the love and support ( and money spent on dresses!!) to my amazing family.

4.Favorite vacation?
This one I had to think about… but this year it was all of the concert tickets I purchased for the summer! I had bought tickets to 8 different concerts and ALL have been canceled… maybe next year?!

5.What do you normally eat for breakfast?
I have the cutest Dalmatian puppy named Dax. He makes rainy days (and every day in between) entertaining! My ideal rainy days consists of movies, face masks and warm tea time and true crime documentaries.